“Where does the world stand when it comes to creating avenues for women to succeed? 🤔

In a desperate attempt to share with the world the state of the working lives of women, here are my notes / a summary of Deloitte’s
Women@Work report – PART 1.

I read this long-ish report over the weekend. And, if you’re not a fan of such documents, this is for you.

Compared to 2022, this year’s report tells us that the rate of burnout has dropped, non-inclusive behaviours are declining, and women are experiencing more positive experiences in hybrid setups.

However, this year, we have a different set of challenges – more women are finding it difficult to “switch off” from work and fewer women feel comfortable talking about mental health at work.

Here’s a summary of what caught my eye, across areas covered by the report.


▶ 30% of women reported feeling burnt out at work, compared to 46% in 2022.

▶ But only 25% (compared to 43% in 2022) feel comfortable talking about mental health with their employer.

▶ Only 37% of women said they are able to switch off from work. In 2022, it was 45%.

While the reasons might be many many, this made me think about the glass ceiling. Could there be pressure to do more, and consistently, because women have an additional set of hurdles to cross? If we were to stop or switch off, would we ever make it to the top?


While the report has more details, I want to share two things that caught my attention:

▶ 15% of the women said that they’ve experienced health challenges related to menstruation.

▶ Among them, 41% work through the pain. And, out of the ones that take an off, one in five do not disclose the reason.

▶ 7% even accepted that disclosing the reason has negatively impacted their career.

It doesn’t seem surprising to me.

On menstruation leaves –

▶ 52% of women believed that organisations should offer paid leaves. But only 20% of women had employers who offered these.

This may just be me but there is considerable progress in how organisations and individuals deal with menstruation and its effects at work.


When asked about the concerns that are NOT directly related to workplaces, here are the ones women listed out (highest to lowest) –

▶ Rights of women
▶ Financial security
▶ Physical and mental health
▶ Personal safety

That’s part 1 (what the character limit allows). I will share part 2 tomorrow which discusses some shocking details about flexibility at work, hybrid setups, and household responsibilities.

#DecodingDraupadi #womenatwork2023 #womenatwork”