“The 50th LinkedIn post – what have I learnt since I started showing up on the internet?

Today, when I opened my “cm content” doc, I noticed I’m at the 50th piece since I started creating content. And here’s what I’m feeling right now –

✍ Aim for consistency ✍

Like I do with each habit, I’m going to try and NOT miss showing up two days in a row.

I’ve noticed that each time I take a week-long break, it slows down all the progress I had made through regular posting. And then, I’m forced to spend two more weeks fixing my distribution.

In short, plan in advance and aim for consistency.

🤷‍♀️ Ignore (vanity) metrics, at least for the most part 🤷‍♀️

It’s super hard to ignore metrics (post impressions, for instance). When I open LinkedIn, the first thing I see is the analysis. And I’m forced to give it some thought, if not use it as a guiding principle.

These numbers have the power to slow you down. Think of the time you put out a post you thought was brilliant and had the virality gene, but the algorithm felt otherwise.

What I’m trying to say is, if you can continue despite that, you will win!

🎯 Action is the answer 🎯

Two months ago, I knew nothing about building in public, showing up on the internet, or creating content. I could do it for others but not for myself. I remember feeling like a lost chicken (Anshika Kushwaha shared that feeling with me).

With a little push from Saurabh Garg and I got started.

Now, I have more clarity on how LinkedIn as a platform works. Which isn’t just helpful for me, but also because I’m a marketer. No article can teach you what being a user of the platform teaches you. Of course, with some attention and all that.

Alternatively, if I had spent months designing a strategy and “guessing” what would work, I wouldn’t have made any progress.

Finally, I also think that it has helped me not just focus on creating interesting content, but actually to live a life that adds value to me and the world around me. Then, it was just a matter of sharing it with you AS IT IS. And not having to package it as “interesting content”.

Here’s a picture from a Starbucks India; the 49th piece was written here 🙂

#femalefounder #buildinpublic #womenatwork