“What does content creation look like in the life of a non-creator? 🤡

I don’t have the natural urge or muscle to document parts of my life. Or at least I didn’t until a few months ago – never clicked pictures when I stepped out, didn’t think, “Oh, content” each time something interesting happened, and wasn’t used to articulating my thoughts for the world to find value in.

But it’s different now. I got a taste of what distribution and content can get you. In Codie’s words, “unfair access to the world”. In Saurabh Garg’s words, “a way to be 2 degrees away from anyone in the world”.

And as for me, I see value in becoming discoverable as a young person who wants to do brilliant things.

So, here are a few things I do to maintain consistency and become discoverable online:

👉 Set goals and plan ahead.

If you’re not a natural “creator”, treat this like you’d treat any other work task. Set goals – how often do you want to post? What do you want to talk about? Dump ideas in a sheet. Block time for writing on your calendar. In short – do everything to ease yourself into the process and avoid overwhelms.

👉 Oscillate between content batching and spontaneity (one more than the other).

Instead of creating content on a daily basis, consider batching it. For instance, I sit down during the weekends to dump ideas and write (at least) the first drafts of each piece. This way, when the weekday hustle sets in, I don’t have an empty document staring at me. You could also set aside specific blocks of time during the week to create multiple drafts.

👉 Draw inspiration from everyday life.

Or as Prakruti Maniar says, practice Nunchi. While I’m yet to understand the nuances, Nunchi, is, in short, a Korean concept signifying the subtle art and ability to listen and gauge others’ moods. If you’re naturally curious about the world and its people, you’ll never run out of things to say!

👉 Document ideas immediately.

Use a note-taking app on your phone to jot down ideas as they come to you. Don’t rely on your memory, as ideas can easily slip away. By capturing your thoughts immediately, you’ll have a bank of ideas to draw from when you sit down to create content.

👉 Don’t wait for motivation to strike.

Motivation is a fallacy. No one great ever achieved anything while waiting for things to happen, or for the mood to be right. They just did. Even on days they didn’t feel like it. So, show up! Even if it’s in bits and pieces.

👉 Find your tribe.

It helps to have an accountability buddy. Or a friend who’s in a similar place in life. Even someone you can rely on for feedback or bouncing off ideas. I’ve got Anshika Kushwaha 🙋‍♀️🌏 to tell me each time I’m being super basic.

That was all! I hope this helps. Especially for you to get rid of labels like, “content creator”. I don’t see myself as one, I simply document my journey in a sensible way. No labels there. ❌

work #founderjourney #writing